What does a Workplace Harassment Attorney Do?

Are you unhappy in your job because of issues dealing with harassment? Do you absolutely dread going into your dream job because you know you are going to walk into a stressful and hostile environment caused by a colleague or superior?

If you answered yes, you might be in a situation that is considered a hostile work environment or workplace harassment. Keep reading to see how we, at Montero Law, can help protect you and fight for your rights. 

What is considered a hostile work environment or workplace harassment situation? 

There is no “set of rules” that determines what is considered a hostile work environment. Every situation is a case by case basis and is up to the individual to determine what happens as the situation progresses. 

However, there are a few circumstances that are absolutely considered workplace harassment or a hostile work environment, in which case you should seek further assistance from your supervisor, employers or even a workplace harassment attorney. 

Here are some examples: 

  • Unwanted physical or sexual touching
  • Discriminatory harassment based on sex, age, race, religion or ethnicity
  • Physical harassment (hitting, punching, etc)
    • This include threats and threatening behavior, destruction of personal property and unwanted conduct
  • Psychological harassment
    • Spreading rumors, belittling and isolating behavior
  • Power based harassment
    • This is a situation where a person in a supervisory position uses their power to demoralize the victim as well as demanding them do tasks that are impossible to meet or giving them excessive tasks that have nothing to do with their position- just to bully them. 
  • Cyber bullying
  • Retaliation
  • Verbal harassment
  • Quid Pro Quo harassment
    • Sexual favors are traded for bonuses, promotions and more. 

workplace harassment attorney

You Are Protected

As a California worker you are protected by federal and California employment laws that prohibit hostile work environments and workplace harassment. 

So how do you determine if you are able to file a lawsuit against the person(s) or company causing you harm? 

If you feel like you are in a hostile situation in which you are being harassed you can file a claim with the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity). They will investigate and advise you on your options.

However, sometimes that may not be enough. Your claim might warrant filing a lawsuit or you believe that your claim needs to be taken further. 

Consult a Workplace Harassment Attorney

Whenever you are in a situation that leaves you uncomfortable or dread going into work because of an issue that is separate from your actual job duties, you should consult with a workplace harassment attorney

When looking for an attorney to help you with your case you want to look for attorneys who specialize in this industry. Law Firms offer multiple services but you want to do your research to ensure that you are choosing a lawyer that knows these types of cases and can help you as much as possible. When choosing a lawyer look for the firms who specialize in employment or workplace harassment law. 

Experts in Employment Law

The job of a workplace harassment attorney is to provide counsel and advice as to how to address your current situation. 

They are experts in the employment industry and are knowledgeable about the most recent laws at both federal and state levels. 

They can help you determine if your claim should move further and turn into a lawsuit or if this is something that should be mediated through your employer. 

Attorney Advocates

Once your attorney has determined that you have a case, you will start the process of filing a claim and the lawsuit with the appropriate parties. 

They will be your advocates and protect you along with the laws set in place. 

A thorough investigation will take place and can include your harasser, other employees, supervisors, HR department, management and owners and the business attorneys if they retain one. 

Your lawyer will discuss all of the issues happening and why the lawsuit has merit. They will also ensure your safety throughout and beyond the lawsuit if necessary by filing protection orders against any party that has been deemed harmful. 

Let Montero Law Be Your Advocate

If you live in California and have been experiencing what you believe is workplace harassment, connect with us today. 

We will consult with you and analyze your situation in order to determine if you have a case that can become a lawsuit. 

As your lawyers we will aggressively represent you and advocate for your best interests and needs. 

No one deserves to feel harassed or harmed in their workplace and we are here to make sure you are protected and helped. 

As a law firm we also represent people who have cases dealing immigration, workers compensation, personal injury and wrongful death. 

If you’ve been in a car accident we are also the leading auto accident attorney in Southern California