Personal injury is defined as the result of an accident/incident that leaves a person with physical or mental injuries to the body and mind. 

The National Center for Health Statistics places Accidental Death as the Third leading cause for death in the United States following Heart Disease and Cancer. 

Millions of injuries occur each year with over 400,000 personal injury claims being filed each year. 90% of those are settled out of court and only about 4% go to trial. 

Motor Vehicle Accidents accounted for 52% of the injury claims, medical malpractice coming in second with 15%. The remaining percentages are workplace injuries, manufacturer defects injuries and “other”. 

Did this Happen to You?

If you’ve been injured in an accident at work, slip and fall, by a motor vehicle, or injured due to medical malpractice, you are most likely out of work, accruing medical bills and should be awarded those damages along with pain and suffering. 

If you are part of one of these statistics it is important to know about personal injury attorneys, why you should hire them and how they can help you. 

What is a Personal Injury Lawyer? 

A personal injury lawyer is a civil litigator that provides counsel and legal representation to clients who claim to be injured physically or mentally by means of negligence by another person, company, product, agency or entity. 

A personal injury lawyer helps you receive justice for your case by helping to find the defense guilty or settling the case out of court and getting you the monetary compensation to cover medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering that is incurred because of the accident. 

Why You Need a Personal Injury Attorney

In order to receive adequate justice for your injury, it is vital to hire a personal injury attorney. They are your advocates and work for you so you can heal properly. They are on your side and are experts at settling and litigating personal injury claims. 

personal injury attorney

Below are 5 benefits to hiring a personal injury attorney. 

Providing Peace of Mind

You’re injured, hurting and worried about everything under the sun, from bills to who’s taking care of your children, pets, even who’s going to make food if you can’t along with many other emotionally challenging issues. You’re most likely also frustrated and not in the right mindset to make important decisions that could cause you to lose your claim. 

When you hire a personal injury lawyer they take on the issues with you and work with you as a team to get you peace of mind. They have referrals to places that can help you with cleaning, home care, pet care and more. The most important thing is that they take on your personal injury claim leaving you to focus on getting better.

They Handle the Paperwork

Personal injury attorneys are experts in their field. The 19 page insurance claim paperwork that has you stressed out can easily be handled by your attorney. They understand what comes with a personal injury claim and have the experience to get it done right the first time around and in a more adequate time frame. 

Knowing the Smallest Details

Along with the paperwork, a personal injury attorney knows that a claim can be held up with one paperwork error. Even worse is that a claim award can be decreased for not filing out the correct information with the insurance providers. Insurance providers will call and ask you questions that can confuse and ultimately end with your claim being denied, simply because you don’t know how the system works. A personal injury attorney does and is there to handle the phone calls and the minute no details of your claim. 

Negotiation and Injury Law Experience

Understanding the injury laws in your state is crucial to your claim and receiving the justice you deserve. You are not expected to know every law or how it works in your claim. Allow the personal injury attorneys to handle that. 

They are also excellent negotiators and will help you get the largest claim possible. On average a claim is settled out of court for about 24,000 dollars. A personal injury attorney can get you every penny of what you deserve and negotiate based on expenses, medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering. 

Trial Experience if Necessary 

If your claim is one of the 4% to go to trial, your attorney has the experience to help you win. You don’t want to go to trial and represent yourself. You might not win and get the money and justice owed to you. Your attorney will stick by you every step of the way, including through the trial and afterwards as well. 

Work with the Experts

If you have been injured in an accident, call our firm today to see if hiring a personal injury attorney is in your best interest. Montero Law has been serving Riverside and Corona, along with Los Angeles, Orange County, San Bernardino and San Diego areas for over a decade. We’ve handled over 1,000 cases and worked with more than 400 satisfied clients. We are here to consult with you to see what your next best step is and get you on the path to justice and healing.